The PMCA library consists of a variety of hard-copy books, reports and CDs on various subjects relating to the confectionery industry. Many of the books have been graciously donated by the authors themselves and member companies who have been long-time supporters of PMCA. The collection includes various research studies prepared by university students who have been past PMCA grant-in-aid recipients. Various miscellaneous items include articles, abstracts, newsletters and course materials produced by PMCA, universities and other industry research organizations.
Lending Library Access I: Individuals from PMCA member companies can borrow an item from the PMCA lending library. Contact the PMCA office for more information.
Lending Library Access II: Individuals from PMCA member companies can visit the PMCA office and review items in the lending library. Access to the library is available by appointment during normal PMCA office hours. A small workspace and computer access can be provided for those members who wish to conduct research at the office. Contact the PMCA office to make an appointment or for more information.